

we HArvest nordic wind energy for the benefit of people



About Pohjoistuuli

Since 2012, Tuulivoimayhtiö Pohjoistuuli Oy develops and finances the build, own and operation of Finnish wind power plants.


Tyrinselka power plant – a successful pilot case story

Pohjoistuuli developed, equity invested and operates the pilot project Tyrinselka I - a Nordex Acciona Windpower N131/3000 wind park. At the time of erection the N131 turbines with a hub height of 144 meters were the largest on shore turbines on the planet. Since the start of operation, this wind park has the highest capacity factor of all wind power plants in Finland (more than 90 plants) with current capacity factor of more than 45%.


Tyrinselka in numbers

Source: Yle (2016, April 8). Video: Suomen korkeimmat tuulivoimalat nousevat Jokioisille – valtavat lavat kurottavat 210 metriin. Retrieved from https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-8797788



Pohjoistuuli has a further 3 construction and pre-construction ready projects located in areas highly suitable for wind power generation.

The Company is looking for a suitable power purchaser in order to realize the portfolio. 




Tuulivoimayhtiö Pohjoistuuli Oy

Hiilikatu 3

00180 Helsinki



Project Manager

Markku Kortteisto

+358 440 330 487
